Toyama Council of Deep Sea Water

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Overview of the Council

The Toyama Council of Deep Sea Water was established with the purpose of effectively utilizing the valuable natural resource, deep seawater found in Toyama Bay, promoting research and commercialization across a wide range of fields, and contributing to the revitalization of the local region.

Main Activities

  1. Research and survey activities of deep seawater
  2. Promoting activities for the use of deep seawater in non-fishery fields
  3. PR activities of deep seawater and deep seawater products


  1. Regular Members: Businesses with the goal of commercializing deep seawater
  2. Associate Members: Businesses with the goal of commercializing deep seawater for use explicitly in Toyama Prefecture.
  3. Special Members: Local governments, public research institutes, university research centers, etc.
  4. Patron Members: Individuals and companies which agree with the purpose of the council